Antoine's face

Antoine Bonavita

Antoine has worked with the UofO LOTOS group a first time in 1993, for a period of 5 months. During that time, he was asked to complete the restructuration of the Prolog kernel of ELUDO, and was particularily focussed on SELA and the evaluation tool. He returned to France to complete his studies.

He came back for a second term in 1994, this time for a period of 16 months. Due to the high level of expertise he had acquired on his previous visit, the tasks he was then assigned where also related to the kernel. They involved most of the functionnalities: fine tuning SELA; integrating Mazen's narrower and Rafik's LOTOS Model Checker; implementing a Random Walk functionnality and completing the Goal-Oriented Execution.

He returned to France in April 1995 and is unfortunately not expected to work with us again. Well, yet ;-)

He currently (Sep.95) works for CENA (Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne), at establishing communication between ground control and (flying) airplanes, through radar equipment.

He can be reached at the following address:

Antoine Bonavita
56, rue de l'Arbre Sec
75001 Paris

Phone: (33-1)-47-03-46-36
His new homepage will be provided as soon as he gets one.